Dear Chan: (亲爱的陈)
Your list remained me about a broken bridge near my hometown. (你的名单使我会想起了我家乡附近的一座断桥) Its name is Zhang, Dacheng Bridge.(它的名字是张大成桥) General Charles de Gaulle named it after WWII. (戴高乐将军在二战以后命名的)There is also a cemetery nearby. Near one dozen of names you mentioned on the list had been exist there.(附近有一座墓地,十多名名单里面的人都埋葬在那里)They are all Chinese soldiers who had fought WWII and sacrifice their life for France.(他们都是曾经在二战中为法国献身的中国士兵) If you need future assistance, please notify me, I will be more glad to help you. (你如果需要更多信息,我很乐意帮助你)
Your sincerely, (忠实于你的)
Carl M. Dugal. (卡尔。M。杜高)